Mpigi LC5 chairman, sub county chief clash over bad roads

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Mpigi LC5 chairman, sub county chief clash over bad roads
Mpigi LC5 chairman, Martin Ssejjemba

A section of subcounty chairpersons and councilors in Mpigi District's Mawokota County are up in arms with the district chairperson Martin  Ssejjemba over the unfair tax policies and poor road network in the area.

The subcounty leaders who spoke to the media accused the district boss of listening more to the technocrats at the expense of the taxpayers which they say has left many residents languishing in abject poverty.

Godfrey Nalima  of Kituntu-Mawokota Subcounty says the district top leadership is  involved in the  embezzlement of funds  together with the CAO,  Town Clerks and Sub- county accountants .

He says these forge false reports to swindle funds from the district treasury for purported work and the district leadership can't even do anything to follow up.

"The executive has failed to establish proper communication with us the subcounty leaders, yet such revenue swindled is collected right from grassroot level," Nalima says.

Buwama Town Council chairperson, Abdul-Rashid  Nkinga accused  Ssejjemba of failing to summon the sub-county leaders for a dialogue over the abandoned roads and the continued misuse of funds collected as revenue from  traders and vendors.

"The district chairperson is hellbent on making  technocrat happy   because if that is not it, he would have convened a meeting already for a way forward on all the issues we have continuously raised," he said.

"The term is now remaining with two years, but there's a lot yet to be done," Nkinga added.

However, the Mpigi district chairperson,  Ssejjemba  shifted the blame onto the sub county chiefs , the town clerks and the sub accountants for not working together with the  to follow up progress of the district works.

He added that the district tractor responsible for working on road networks has for long been down due to technical faults, but the repair works have already started.

Ssejjemba said he has already urged the subcounty chairpersons to join him and other district leaders to storm the Works and Trasport Ministry in Kampala in demand for a new grader for the road works.

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